Overviews of Renaissance Dance

rendance |
introduction |
On-line Articles
Elizabeth Aldrich:
Social Dance: An Overview.
- Washington, D.C., 1998.
The relevant sections are:
Encyclopaedia Brittanica:
History of Dance: The Renaissance world and the art dance.
- http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=117768&tocid=22108.
Articles in Print
Brainard, Ingrid: "Dance III: Middle Ages and early
- In The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians.
London, 1980.
Brainard, Ingrid: "Medieval Dance"
- In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.
Brainard, Ingrid: "Renaissance Dance Technique"
- In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.
Sutton, Julia: "Dance IV: Late Renaissance and Baroque to 1700."
- In The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, London, 1980.
Turn back to the Renaissance Dance page.
Last modified on August 31st, 2000 by
Andrew Draskóy,