Recently Discovered Source Bibliography
This bibliography contains recent additions to the body of known extant
choreographic works.
Instruction pour danser. Ms. HS304. Hessische Hochschul-und
Landesbibliothek, Darmstadt.
Santucci, Ercole. []. []. Carina Ari Library, Stockholm. [1614].
A manuscript apparently intended for publication, written in Perugia
by a Maestro di Ballo from there. Privately held in Rome until
recently put on the market and purchased by the library. 474pp.
containing 12 choreographies, and 214 regole intended for beginners.
The choreographies are mostly by others, sometimes "modernized" by
the author. In some cases earlier versions of the dances are extant.
(e.g. in Caroso, Compasso)
[]. []. It. II. 34 (=4906) Il libro di Sidrach, c. 105,
Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venice.
Rediscovered by A. William Smith and announced in 1987. Transcribed
and discussed in his books on 15th century Italian dance.
Ricciarelli, Lanzilotto, Notarile di Montefiascone. [].
Protocollo 11. Archivio di Stato, Viterbo.
Written between 1468-1505, rediscovered in 1989. Contains
ornamented versions of gioioso, tangeloso, and el lioncello.
Discussion, transcription and translation of the dances in
Jacobilli, Ludovico. modo di ballare. [circa 1615].
AIII. 19,ff.102-104. Biblioteca Jacobilli, Foligno.
Banys, Johnes. []. D77 box 28, pp. 51-79, Derbyshire Record Office,
Matlock. [c. 1500.]
The so-called Gresley Dance Collection. Noticed in 1995,
transcription published in Fallows.
Compasso, Lutio. Ballo del gagliarda. Florence. 1560.
Discovered in a Stuttgart Library. Facsimilie edition Freiburg,
fa-gisis, 1995.
Willoughby, John. The olde Measures. SRO DD/WO 55/7, item 36.
Somerset Record office, Taunton. [1594.]
Noticed in 1981. Discussed and transcribed in Brainard and Stokes,
1992. A seventh ms. containing the old measures.
[]. []. [].
Vatican Library.
Discovered in the late 1990s, contains a series of mid-to-late
16th century Italian dances, including a barriera and
a contrapasso.
di Fiorenza, Antonio. []. 1609.
In a private collection - describes a barriera balletto.
Turn back to the Renaissance Dance page.
Last modified on January 18th, 2002 by
Andrew Draskóy.