This directory is intended as a resource for the academic and performing arts communities. It is maintained by Andrew Draskóy as time allows. Please be patient, but feel free to send email if you're entry doesn't appear within a week or if you have questions not answered here. I will add entries here under the following conditions:
Use of HTML links to relevant information is encouraged when filling out these forms. All entries should provide contact information, especially including email addresses and web pages if available. Either embed these as links in the appropriate fields, or indicate them via the Remarks field. Please note that the scope of this directory is Renaissance Dance. Please fill in these forms with respect to that focus. If you're submitting and entry for something that includes Renaissance Dance, but is greater in scope, please confine the additional information to the remarks field as much as possible. In some cases there are additional fields specifically for this information. New entries will be added to the regional directory automatically.
- Upcoming Performances
- Performing Companies
- Teachers
- Organizations
Turn back to the Renaissance Dance page,
or go to the directory.