about |
history |
use |
sitemap |
contacts |
contributors |
contribute |
August 26, 2003: |
Added verbs article under linguistic sources.
August 1, 2003: |
Updated content.
January 19, 2002: |
Revised main page to not show subtopics. Created an
alternate main page for that.
Changed main page to table format, added What's New and Search
in prominent location.
January 18, 2002: |
Added a bibliography of recently discovered sources. |
Replaced drama section with related
arts, include horsemanship |
January 15, 2002: |
Added discographies. |
January 9, 2002: |
Added many items to Shop section. |
December 23rd, 2001: |
Added Nürnberg and Cervera mss. to Primary
Sources. |
December 13th, 2001: |
Added videos to Shop section. |
November 21st, 2001: |
Expanded Shop section. |
June 3rd, 2001: |
Added Site History section. |
June 2nd, 2001: |
Added Site section. |
Added search engine. |
Added contact information. |
Added page on how to use this site. |
Added what's new. |
May 14th, 2001: |
New site launched. |

Turn back to the Renaissance Dance page.
Last modified on January 19th, 2002 by
Andrew Draskóy